GRE: The Official Guide To The Revised General Test GRE官方考试指南
定 价: 317元
会员价:238元 节 省: 79元
McGraw-Hill 2010-11
作 者:
Educational Testing Service
页数:432 印刷时间:2011-1-1 开 本:16开 纸 张:胶版纸
The GRE General Test is changin9.If you’re taking the test on or after August 1,2011,you’II see new question types and a new test—taker friendly design.Make sureyou have the most accurate preparation available!Turn to the people who know thenew test best--the GRE test—makers at ETS.
This Official Guide has been created by the ETS team that actually makes thetest.Only ETS can show you exactly what to expect on the revised exam and giveyou hundreds of authentic test questions for practice!This guide is packed witheverything you need to succeed on the test--and move forward toward yourgraduate or business degree.
How to Use This Book/CD Package
1 Introducing the GRErevised General Test
What Are the Main Features of the Revised Test
Structure of the Test
Preparing for the Test
Test—taking Strategies for the Computer-based Test
Testtaking Strategies for the Paper-based Test
Understanding GRE Scoring
2 GREAnalytical Writing
Overview of the Analytical Writing Measurej
Preparing for the Analytical Writing Measure
General Strategies
Analyze an Issue Task
Analyze an Argument Task
GRE Scoring Guide:Analyze an Issue
3 GRE Scoring Guide:Analyze an Argument
Score Level Descriptions
GREVerbal Reason i ng
Overview of the Verbal Reasoning Measure
Verbal Reasoning Question Types